Rodent Control

Types of Pesticides Used in Australia

Rodents can be a troublesome pest, and it is important to have an understanding of their habits in order to effectively control them. Identifying the type of rodent is key in formulating an effective plan for prevention or removal.

The most common rodents are mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks. Mice and rats are nocturnal creatures that tend to hide during the day and come out at night to find food and water. They will enter homes through tiny cracks or holes in search of food and warmth. They often live in attics, basements or crawl spaces where they build nests with insulation material.

Squirrels are diurnal animals that feed on nuts, fruits and seeds found outside. They rarely enter buildings but may cause problems by chewing through electrical wiring when looking for a warm place to nest during cold weather. Chipmunks are relatively small rodents who feed on plants, insects and some bird seed. They usually remain outdoors but can occasionally enter homes if they find an opening near the foundation of a building or under doorsills.

In order to effectively control rodents it is important to understand their behaviour patterns as well as identify entry points into your home or business premises so they can be sealed off securely. Trapping can also be used as a method of removal but should only be carried out by professionals who know how to handle these animals safely without causing any distress or harm.

Pesticides for Pest Management in Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of rodents are typically found in Australia?
Common Australian rodents include mice, rats, bandicoots, and possums.
What methods are used to control rodent populations?
Methods for controlling rodent populations include trapping, baiting, habitat modification, and exclusion techniques.
Are there any health risks associated with rodent infestation?
Yes, rodent infestations can pose a health risk as they can carry and transmit diseases such as salmonellosis and toxoplasmosis to humans. They can also cause damage to property including chewing on electrical wiring and furniture.
Are there any environmental impacts associated with using pest extermination products?
Yes, some pest extermination products may have an adverse impact on the environment due to their chemical composition or the potential for them to enter waterways or other ecosystems when not properly disposed of after use.
What steps should I take if I find evidence of a rodent infestation in my home?
If you find evidence of a rodent infestation in your home you should contact a professional pest exterminator who specialises in dealing with rodents as soon as possible so that they can assess the situation and provide advice on how best to address it safely and effectively.