Termite Inspection

Types of Pesticides Used in Australia

Termite inspection is an important part of owning a home in Australia. The country has one of the highest rates of termite activity in the world, making it essential to regularly inspect a property for signs of infestation. An overview of termites in Australia reveals that there are many different types of species found across the continent, some of which cause significant damage to buildings and timber structures.

The most common type of termite found in Australia is the subterranean variety. These insects live underground and feed on wood and other cellulose-containing materials such as paper or cardboard. They can enter homes through cracks or small openings, such as pipes or air vents, and quickly multiply if left unchecked. In order to prevent termite infestations, regular inspections are recommended every three months or so.

During a termite inspection, a qualified pest control technician will look for signs of an existing colony including mud tunnels around the foundations or walls, droppings near windowsills or doorways and damaged wood inside the house. If any evidence is found then treatment should be sought immediately to avoid further destruction caused by these destructive pests.

In addition to conducting regular visual inspections, homeowners should also consider using baiting systems which use food sources attractive to termites instead of traditional chemical treatments. This method may not be as effective in eliminating existing colonies but it can help reduce future infestations by controlling populations before they become established in your property. Additionally, homeowners should always remove any potential sources of food for these pests such as rotting wood piles near the home's foundation or leaks from plumbing and drainage systems which could provide them with easy access into your property.

Overall, it is vital for Australian homeowners to regularly inspect their properties for signs of termite activity as these destructive insects can cause significant damage if left unchecked. By conducting regular visual checks along with baiting systems where appropriate, you can ensure your home remains free from these damaging pests and keep it safe from costly repairs due to potential infestations.

Types of termite pesticides

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of termite inspections do you offer?
We offer visual, thermal imaging and radar inspections.
How often should a termite inspection be done?
Ideally, a termite inspection should be done annually to help detect any signs of infestation in the early stages.
Do I need to prepare for the inspection?
Yes, you will need to clear away furniture and other obstructions from around windows, walls and other areas so that we can properly inspect the property for signs of termites.